Updated marketing site mobile mockups.
  • B2B
  • Fintech

Transforming Digital Presence


Product Designer // UX Engineer


  • Improved website load time speed by 61%.
  • Reduced bounce rate by 13%.
  • Cohesive and modern digital presence.
  • Improved accessibility.

Modernizing Bundlefi’s Digital Presence

Bundlefi, a full-service marketing agency recognized the need for a comprehensive update to their digital platforms. Seeking to modernize and align with accessibility standards, the agency contacted Sam to lead this strategic initiative.

B2B Marketing site before redesign.
B2B Marketing site before redesign.

Cross-Functional Collaboration for a Unified Brand Identity

The three-month collaboration involved key stakeholders from sales, marketing, and engineering, emphasizing a cross-functional approach. The primary objective was to overhaul the brand identity and improve the user experience across digital channels. Sam’s contributions included the development of a cohesive design system, unifying the brand across diverse platforms, and active participation in enhancing the UI library through code contributions.

New color palette, updated logo, icons, and wireframes.
New color palette, updated logo, icons, and wireframes.

Achieving Tangible Outcomes and Enhanced User Experience

The tangible outcomes of the project were remarkable—a cohesive and modern digital presence that met accessibility standards. Importantly, the site load time speed improved by 61%, enhancing the overall user experience. Additionally, reduced the bounce rate by 13%, reflecting improved user retention and interaction.

Redesigned marketing site, showing home, about us, and resource pages.
Redesigned marketing site, showing home, about us, and resource pages.

Fostering a Harmonized Digital Identity

This collaborative effort not only achieved the intended objectives but also fostered a harmonized digital identity for the agency.